National Museum of the Philippines

Field Trip: National Museum

I can’t quite remember the last time I had a proper field trip. A field trip where you learn “new” things just like back in school. When an opportunity presents itself to visit one of the main museums in our country, better grab the opportunity then. A simple equation of free schedule plus a friend who shares the same interest plus heritage month equals to a day of field trip.


Grand Door of National Museum


Field Trip’s Outfit


Guardian Angel

Thanks to the government’s initiative of having a “Heritage Month”, a whole month (extended to another month) of free admission to the National Museum of the Philippines. I can’t remember when was the last time I visited the National Museum or if I did before; but one thing I am sure is that I feel like a student once again. All giggly and excited whenever we turn a curve or enter a room in the historic museum.

We started in the Old Senate Hall which they have turned into an arts museum. All important paintings and sculptures can be seen in this area.


Let’s Not Fall In Love – BigBang 🎶


Staircase Session




Grand Architecture Less One Light


High Ceiling


Between Arts

 I treat arts as my stress reliever. I enjoy getting lost in the world of arts and trying to decipher the meaning of a painting or sculpture. For most of the part, I just simply want to be absorbed in all the swirls of color in the painting. Some paintings tell a story, some just plainly present itself as it is and doesn’t need explanations at all.


Arts, Arts, Arts


Sweet Smile


Black Vs Colors


Blacks, Whites, Blonde



Of course, I will not pass the chance to have my picture taken with the Philippines most popular painting, “The Spoliarium” by Juan Luna. I’m so happy that even there’s a lot people at that time, I managed to have a solo picture as if I am the only one inside the museum. I have to say that everyone was very respectful and nice as they make sure you have your own quality time with the Spoliarium.


The Spoliarium

Then we moved to another building which is still the National Museum. Though this time, the building houses historical artifacts from sunken ships, mining sites and historical landmarks.




Books About Philippines Flora and Fauna


Through The Rabbit Hole





Perfect timing as there was an exhibition of ethnic Filipino textile. Arts, culture, architecture and fashion all rolled in one. I’m one happy field tripper here. 


By The Window

After a long day inside the museum, we moved to a Japanese Garden to have some more pictures taken.

Lastly, just before dinner, one item ticked off from my bucket list ~ Sunset session in Manila Bay! I always wanted and very vocal that I wanted to experience sunset in Manila Bay. Got to say that our country really has one of the best vantage sites in the whole world if you want to see a great sunset.


The Sunset in Manila Bay



 I really need to do more of this kind of field trip. I really wanted to visit more museums, get lost in the arts and learn. It was indeed a day in the museum plus more.

‘Til the next pose & post!