
Flavor of the Month: Pink

New year, new beginnings. Such a cliche but we always believe on that. Many of us change the way we live. Like staying away from vices and living a healthy lifestyle. Some change their perspective and some like me change their hair color.

For last year, I sported blonde hair all year long. And to be honest, it is quite a hassle and such a high maintenance stuff. I easily get annoyed when I see black hair growing from the roots. I really wish someone would invent a pill when you take it, you instantly change your hair color. That would be really fantastic because for people like me who wanted to try different hair colors and experiment from time to time, that would save us time coloring our hair and trips to salons.

For the start of the year, I colored my hair pink or what the hair pro says “Mystique Heather”. I’ve been planning to try “out of the box” color for quite some time now but I guess I dont have the courage yet. Aside from that, I was hesitant to try it because it might not fit my skin tone. It is very crucial that your hair color is with harmony with your skin tone or else it will turn out very un-classy or I may use a Filipino slang “chaka”.


Pink Bangs


First Selfie of 2014


Pink Angst

Originally, I wanted to do something very purple but I think my hair decided to go pink. The color in hair color book looks like more purplish than pinkish. Well anyways, it has already been done and even though I was quite disappointed that I didnt quite expect this hue to come out, I am so pleased with the result. Think of supermodel Kate Moss, ANTM winner cycle 18 winner Sophie Sumner, Jia of Miss A (Kpop group) and not really a lot more. This color is hard to maintain but I will do my best to keep this color until my birthday. Yeap, I am turning 27 very soon and that’s close to 30. Scary right! I will not be able to sport this hair color when I turned 30ish because it is so juvenile. Hahahaha.


The Kate Moss


Jia of Miss A

By the way, I really like that my hair is turning cotton pink as the day progresses. From very dark pink to light pink.

So wish me luck with my “pink” hair month.

So, do you love me with pink hair?

Til the next pose & post!